Jun 1Liked by Ashutosh joshi

I have had extremely vivid dreams ever since childhood - and I remember quite a few of them. And I have been recording them since I became an adult. All my dreams are in color, with sound, smell, sensation. I have friends in my dreams, who recur, who I have never met in real life. Sometimes I have precognition dreams - where I see something that later happens in real life. The trouble with those is that you can't change what happened...

This is the dream I had two nights before my father died: I dreamed that I was looking at apartments with my father, and Allan, in a large city. At one point we were driving around this stadium, and there were apartments -- it was a college town -- but they belonged to fraternities, and they were pretty battered up, and I wouldn’t rent one. Then we were by some apartments that reminded me of like Chapel Hill, and I even said that I’d lived in one of them. We got out to take a look -- we had to go down some stairs, outside stairs, and I was telling my father to hang on to the rail tightly, and then I saw that the next level didn’t have any railing, so I turned to Allan and told him to help Daddy. Allan, though, was terribly tired, and he told me so, and he curled up in this almost like flower bed, except no flowers, just freshly turned earth, and he went to sleep. So I got my father, and we went up, not down, and we were looking at these apartments. One side of them were like in motels now, where they look out on the inside, over the pool; these apartments had no outside windows, and when my father said yes they did, I pulled the drapes open and showed that what he thought was a window simply looked into the next apartment. Two nuns, in veils, but pink habits and wearing jewelry, came in at that point -- their order owned the apartments, and they were letting people look at them. I wanted to go up further, but couldn’t find the elevator.

The next thing I knew, I was RUNNING, running, running, running, across these fields where they were harvesting wheat; golden wheat; with big black lorries pulling in here and there, and parking, and me going around them, just running my tail off. This puppy, golden with curls, was chasing me, and nipped my hand. I complained to one of the harvesters and he said that they usually gave the dogs a stalk to shut them up, and he gave one to the puppy. I ran on and on until I came to a ladder set in the side of a mountain, in the earth, and there I started to climb. I climbed up until I got to this upright tunnel, wood all around, narrow, but I was going up through it, and when my head poked up through the top I realized I was way up high, VERY high, so high it was scary, and there was almost no platform around to step on, just wide enough to walk, but no railings or anything. I was so high and it was so scary that it almost paralyzed me, but I knew I had to keep going, so I closed my eyes and literally walked up and out of the tunnel and got on to the platform by feel, and THEN opened my eyes, and I was on this redwood walkway -- tremendous view, overlooking the sea -- and walking along it, and came to where the elevators were in what was left of the side of the mountain.

This is the dream I had the night before my father died: Last night I dreamed that I had exchanged bodies -- and not altogether willingly -- with a young man . And as I was walking down the street in this young man’s body, and I had to admit I was admiring the arms very much, all the tight skin and muscles, and the energy, although at the same time I hoped that the original occupant was taking good care of MY body, the female one, and looking forward to being myself again.

My father's death, BTW, was totally unexpected.

And after his death, a few days later, I dreamed that he (my father) was lying in bed, in a dark room, with a small light somewhere, and I curled up next to him in bed, and he told me that he’d hurt his arm (it was his right arm). And I kissed him and then got up and left, and walked down this long, dark hallway with doors all along it, and at the end of the hallway I went out a door and was outside, outdoors, where it was a sunny day.

Dreams are a conduit, a channel, a message...

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That is such a fascinating dream. I wonder why there are all these tunnels, ladders and chambers in our dream (I have them too). It feels as if it is an integral part of the dream. No wonder the depictions of hell or heaven have chambers and ladders in it. I envy you for having all the senses active while you dream, my senses are usually mute. I have never remembered colour in my dreams. Do you think that our dreams can be manipulated? I especially saw this growing up with my phone (being from the gen z) that my dreams had many characters that I had watched on my phone and usually they would be extremely un co-ordinated dreams until I stopped watching useless stuff on social media and made a conscious effort to stay present that these dreams started to change and give more detailed pointers.

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I think the key is to (1) not be afraid of them and (2) pay attention. As you pay attention, you can see more and more of the details. And yes, you need to stay off social media, especially before bedtime...

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Jun 1Liked by Ashutosh joshi

Interesting what you said about sound - I am never conscious of sound in my dreams - figures, vivid colours, people, occasionally animals, and of course feelings / emotions. No smells. The sense of many layers of consciousness, and time. I suspect Mozart dreamt in sound.

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Thats an interesting observation. I would like to see what Van Gogh's dreams were like. Apart from the artwork, he must have had an extremely complicated mind.

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Jun 1Liked by Ashutosh joshi

Interesting read. Dreams have been a vital message sending medium personally in my life too even though it may sound strange.

When enough dreams have occurred almost as exact premonitions one can hardly ignore their significance.

Also many times, dreams have been in a way, personally for me, gateways to transforming deep seated subconscious patterns from waking life. A lot of the concepts about myself that I used to be stuck with or dealing with at times in waking life, seemed to resolve themselves within dreams, giving an experience of much deeper insights that eventually literally helped shatter rigid concepts in real life.

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