I don't have any experience with Indian government about COVID. I don't have direct experience with American government either. I just have experience with the almost universal lockstep of American society in response to government action about COVID. Businesses, Churches, and society in general fully displayed their obeisance to governmental dictates: you will wear masks, you will keep yourselves six feet apart at all times, you will get vaccinated, you will consider COVID a worldwide deadly plague, you will not consider any alternative narrative, etc.

Every public face in America displayed its solidarity with every pronouncement of Anthony Fauci, the godfather of the American medical mafia. All resistance was futile. You either kissed his hand or ate his gun. America was ready to assist in any way the extermination of dissent. Not one newspaper, newsroom, or politician voiced a word of caution. Private citizens quietly buried their dead, and stood in quay for the next round of vaccination, and smothered themselves with filthy masks, rebreathing fetid air, daring everyone they might encounter to cross the six-foot barrier that kept the death angel at bay.

Meanwhile, Fauci and his minions continued to pay the CCP to develop the next round of biological weapons

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There was immense pressure here in Canada. I succumbed due to a need to travel for work, as well as due to thinking at the time - how bad could it be? My mom works in healthcare and was also seeing the effects of COVID on limited bed space and was an active promoter of vaccines.

Perhaps I have been graced in not having any adverse side effects, or seeing any in folks close to me. The worst I saw has been the questionable efficacy of actually preventing the disease, which most of us ended up getting at least once anyways, one of us even experiencing the effects of long COVID although not to the extreme I have seen or heard with others.

Overall the range of experiences have made it quite hard to find grounding on any firm perspectives, and for that reason it’s why I maybe don’t feel compelled to have a strong opinion one way or another.

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In the US, the pressure to be vaccinated was intense, from government leaders at all levels to employers and even friends and family. There was talk that friends and family should report on unvaccinated friends and family. There was talk that unvaccinated sick individuals were getting what they deserved. There was talk of requiring the unvaccinated to pay for their own medical care out of pocket as a punishment for not being vaccinated. Again, the pressure was intense!

The problem I saw was that doctors are trained to think scientifically, or at least they used to be. So, before the vaccine, doctors on the front lines came up with some very creative drug combinations and natural remedies for treatment. For example zinc taken with Qeurcetin as an ionophore to help zinc absorption into the cell. Zinc is somewhat effective in disrupting viral replication. There were other things too! I believe India used hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to some benefits. But that is beyond the scope of my reply. What was devastating was the mockery of people who asked questions. It is impossible to have Science without allowing questions!

My problem with the vaccines started when government authorities told us the following:

1) The vaccines were declared to be safe and effective; but government emergency authorization allowed the pharmaceutical companies to not be held liable for adverse vaccine effects.

2) Governmental authorities declared vaccines to be safe and effective; but after everyone that got the vaccine also were catching Covid the government just said the vaccines were safe.

3) The government declared the pandemic to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated! They went so far as to say the vaccinated were getting sick because of the unvaccinated. This statement showed a complete lack of confidence that vaccines prevent Covid in the vaccinated.

4) A complete lack of recognition that the speed of viral evolution quickly eliminated the effectiveness of any vaccine for which it was originally designed.

5) Shaming people as anti-vax, while not allowing a recognition of the differences between mRNA and old-style vaccines.

6) A claim that spike protein is only produced at the injection site; but we now know that this is not true and the mRNA vaccine produces the

spike protein in whatever body area takes up the mRN, including the vascular system, brain, liver, ovaries, etc.

7) A total condemnation of anyone wanting to know the long-term effects of the vaccine before taking the vaccine. There simply were zero long term studies.

8) Pfizer had 40,000 people in their vaccine study. 20,000 in the vaccinated group and 20,000 in the placebo group. After eight weeks of study, it was declared the vaccine was around 96% effective. The placebo group was then vaccinated thereby eliminating any accurate and effective study of long-term vaccine effects.

9) In the effectiveness reports in the media, there was zero explanation of what 96% relative risk reduction meant versus a 96% absolute risk reduction.

10) Zero reporting in the media about the increase in IgG4 antibodies beyond anything ever seen and the potential immune system problems this may cause.

11) A denial by the US Government of gain of function coronavirus research that probably resulted in the pandemic either accidentally or intentionally. Four years ago, those who said as much were anti-vax conspiracy theorists. Now we know they were right all along!

Personally, I have kept track of all the people that I know adversely effective after the vaccine. This includes family members that died in their forties from heart attacks and multiple people with Bell’s palsy. Others were affected just like Eric Clapton and lost the ability to play piano or guitar. Anyway, that is my experience in the United States, a country that is supposed to revere freedom of speech; but a country that for the last four years destroyed science by not allowing questions and that behaved in a totalitarian way!

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The side effects of the oral polio vaccine results in vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis in about three per million doses. This is considered (and rightly so) a reasonable risk. I had a dear friend who, in the 1950s (before the vaccine) got polio, and was wheelchair bound for her entire life. Before the vaccines, there were about 16,000 cases a year of polio paralysis in the US.

The smallpox vaccine, at least in the past, caused potentially life-threatening reactions in 14 to 52 people out of every 1 million people vaccinated for the first time, and can still cause life-threatening reactions in smaller numbers. Again, this is considered (and rightly so) a reasonable risk. For one thing, before smallpox vaccines, 35% of people who got smallpox died. And a large percentage who got it were permanently, hideously scarred for life.

My mother raced to get me both polio vaccines, and every other vaccine she could find. I never got polio, diphtheria (which she almost died of as a child in the 1920s), measles, mumps, smallpox or tetanus. My husband (who has multiple health issues, including COPD and heart failure which began before COVID), has received all the shots and boosters for COVID (as did I), and we haven't gotten it yet, nor did it cause either of us any trouble but a day of soreness and a mild fever. If he had gotten COVID, he would have died.

We also know people who died. There was a family in a small town not far from us (we live in South Dakota, USA, a very rural, conservative state) which got COVID - and most of them died. At least one elderly woman I know got COVID and had a stroke, so she wasn't counted among the victims. A paramedic died of it. Etc., etc., etc. We were a hot spot in the US for COVID.

No one ever said that the COVID vaccine was 100% safe. Its safety also depended on which vaccine you got: the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine caused a much higher rate of Guillane-Barre Syndrome than the others, especially among the elderly. Also, myocarditis and pericarditis. BTW, all of these can also be serious side-effects of flu vaccines.

No vaccine is 100% safe. Allow me to repeat that: NO VACCINE IS 100% SAFE. But they usually beat the hell out of not having the vaccine. You wrote about the 12.5% rise in heart attacks in India, and implied that it's linked to the vaccine more than diet, smoking, or lack of medical care - but without the vaccine, how many would have died of COVID and not even gotten the last 3 years of their life to live? It's rather like a woman who told me back in 2001 that "they're killing all the WW2 vets" - but the WW2 veterans were all in their 70s at the youngest. It's all in how you want to view the world.

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