Your word paint a picture. I feel that I see it through your eyes. Thank you.

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Thanks Kate. I am humbled. 🙏🏻

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Sep 2Liked by Ashutosh joshi

This is a beautiful article, thank you for writing it.

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Sep 4Liked by Ashutosh joshi

In situations which feel overwhelming, I think of systems theory, where a small change in one specific place can change the whole system for better or worse. I believe staying in touch with spiritual guidance and then doing the next thing to do can lead to incredible results.

An example from the Abrahamic traditions is the story of David and Gilioth. David is a simple boy who following spiritual guidance kills the giant great warriors could not, by hitting it in just the right place. If you've read Tolkien, the Hobbits are known for this. Also the fool in various European folk tales. If there are similar stories in the Hindu text, you could tell them and live them as part of your journey. It would seem your various hitch hiking adventures have prepared you for the hobbit mindset.

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